A Bit About Mike
Mike Rolls is a leading authority in resilience. His extensive lived experience through adversity began at age 18 when he survived a deadly bout of Meningococcal Septicemia, which resulted in severe internal and external injuries, including multiple amputations. Given just a 5% chance of survival, Mike defied the odds, spending six months in the hospital and facing years of recovery. This life-changing event marked the start of an unexpected journey toward helping individuals and businesses manage their own challenges with greater efficiency and effectiveness.
His message, “Why Me? To What’s Next?” is a simple yet effective philosophy that underpins his work. A no-nonsense, practical approach that’s designed to help individuals tap into and unlock greater levels of resilience in both their personal and professional lives.
Mike has a background in the health industry. He is a qualified Counsellor, a highly skilled communicator and a passionate supporter of amputee charity, Limbs 4 Life. He is an ambassador of Interplast Australia and New Zealand, Cobra Puma Golf, Ossur Australia, and has represented Australia in All Abilities Golf.
Mike is from Melbourne, Victoria, where he lives with his wife Andrea and two children.
Mike is a proud ambassador for Par 5
Par 5 is an exciting Pancare strategic initiative, striving to deliver more sustainable funding into cancer research projects focused on new treatments, to ultimately improve survival rates for upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancer.